8 Dos and Don'ts for Wedding Banquets

The organization of the wedding as such is quite a nerve-wracking process and guaranteeing that your wedding banquet is impeccable is crucial. Even when choosing the place and, consequently, the menu, all points are significant. Many lovely dishes are waiting for those who will book wedding banquets in Delhi, from large luxurious wedding hotels in Delhi to large and bright wedding halls in Delhi. Below, here are eight do’s and don’ts that can guide you in successfully planning your wedding banquet. 

1. Do Choose the Right Venue

The selection of a proper location remains the decisive factor for the organization of a wedding banquet. The options in Delhi include the fancy wedding hotel, big wedding hall and the like. In choosing a good place to have the wedding, you have to consider the number of people, type of the wedding, and of course the amount of money to be spent. Many places provide different services. Check several of them. Be sure to look at the overall atmosphere, its accessibility and even the equipment they have to offer. The main idea of a good venue is to create the overall mood and ensure the entertainment of the guests. 

Don’t Forget to Check Availability

 Scarcely consulted is whether the favored location is free. Yes of course Delhi is a prominent city and the well known wedding banquets are always fully booked. To mitigate this issue, book for your venue as early as you can. Check the availability and then go to get a written agreement to make your booking specific. 


2. Do Consider Your Guest List

The number of people you will be inviting will determine many aspects of the whole event ranging from the hall to be hired, seating plan of the hall among other necessities including food and beverages to be served. Ensure that your wedding hall in Delhi has enough sitting space for all your guests. Over crowing makes the event uncomfortable and overcrowded while on the other hand having a lot of space makes the event seem encircled. 


Don’t Overlook the Logistics 

And then try to imagine all the possible and imaginable details concerning the guests who will be arriving to the marriage ceremony. Think about parking, the accessibility of the place, and any possible requirements of the attendees like, for instance, wheelchair access. Caring for these aspects will make your guests or customers feel welcome and valued. 


3. Do Plan the Menu Thoughtfully

MENU is one of the most important attractions of any marriage banquet. Coordinate with the caterer and ensure you are able to choose a variety of foods most that are liked by the guests and those suitable for the special diet. Most of the wedding banquets in Delhi allow clients to choose their preferred meals, and this may comprise Indian food to international foods. 


Don’t Forget to Taste Test

It is important that before fixing the menu one should always take the taste of each dish. Taste the food before going to the reception by asking your caterer to arrange a tasting session for you. This step can be a surprise on your wedding day and is important to eliminate on that special day. 


4. Do Decorate with Style

Generally, your wedding banquet hall’s decoration should correlate with your wedding theme and personality. Regardless if one’s vision is limited or lavish, select decorations that would complement the elegance of the chosen location. Hire an interior designer to help in achieving the desired appearance of the intended room. 


Don’t Go Overboard with Decorations

For weddings, it is good to have a well-decorated hall, but too many decorations are disastrous. Avoid too many icons and make them simple and moderate in the number to avoid cluttering. 


5. Do Consider Lighting

Selecting the banquet’s lighting could be a vital part of preparing to organize your wedding, in appearance to set the atmosphere. Proper illumination brings out features in a hall and focuses on the right areas such as the eating area, dancing floor, and the band. Wedding hotels in Delhi provide sophisticated light control for your occasions to ensure that you have a great event. 


Don’t Ignore Natural Light 

On the fairness of your skin, if your wedding banquet is during the day, don’t shy away from using natural light. Select a hall with large windows or an open terrace to ensure natural light and therefore build a friendly environment. Some guests love natural light as it makes the event venue look larger and more open. 


6. Do Organize Entertainment 

The key ingredient that will help you maintain the attention of your guests, or in other words, make your guests happy is; ENTC 190 Entertainment is key to keeping your guests Read 190 TM engaged and making sure that they have fun. It is advisable to engage a live band or a Dj or even a local or traditional dance group to perform during the wedding banquet. In Delhi numerous banquet halls have liaisons with various performers to assist you in this regard. 


Don’t Forget the Sound Check

It is also useful to pay attention to the sound and do the sound check before the event to obtain ideal acoustics. This I have come to realise is very true as good quality sound can really spoil a good show. Ensure that the microphones and speakers have been properly placed and the volume is well adjusted. 


7. Do Arrange for Professional Photography

Your wedding is one of the biggest events in your life, therefore having excellent photos that will remind you of this day is crucial. It’s advisable that you book a professional photographer that majors in wedding banquets for hire in Delhi. They will understand how to get the best candid pictures and the elegance of your venue. 


Don’t Rely on Guests for Photos

Okay it’s fun to have friends take pictures but don’t expect all your wedding pictures to be taken by your friends. This is the difference between having your photograph taken, and hiring professional photographers, who will use professional equipment for result oriented photographs that will be cherished for a lifetime. 


8. Do Communicate Clearly with Vendors

It is important that there is constant communication with all your vendors to avoid hitch less situations. This covers caterer, decorator, entertainment as well as the photographer. It’s necessary to give them a detailed schedule and any special instructions if possible, a day or two earlier. 


Don’t Leave Anything to the Last Minute

This is because last minute changes normally cause confusion and this may lead to some mistakes being made. Expect Cancellations Always ensure that you do a follow up a few days before the event to confirm with the vendors. This will assist in making the banquet in particular, a wedding banquet, to be accomplished in a hitch-less manner. 



Organization of the wedding banquet should be well planned for and the process acknowledges a number of facets. If the above dos and don’ts are followed, one will effectively host personalized and quality parties that achieve the intended goals of fun to both the host and the invited guests. When selecting the venue make sure that it is suitable for your needs, when selecting the food be wise enough to select that which will be fit for your guests and lastly be Clear with your vendors. Regardless of whether you intend to hire a wedding hotel in Delhi or a wedding hall in Delhi or another wedding banquet service in Delhi, the above tips will assist you in arriving at the right decisions for the special day. If done correctly your wedding banquet will be something that will be worth recommemding for a lifetime. 



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